The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
Hmmmmm -
4 of 14 is crazy
hey there i was just wondering if there's any off-site contact i may be able to reach you at? thanks :)
If you have IG, mine is nostalgic_gamer000
I also have Snapchat: mused_jade
I have FB too, if you want that! -
awesome thanks, you'll probs get a snap message from me tomorrow, it's a little late for me rn and i gotta head go bed
Sounds good!!
I hope you have a good night!! -
I swear I'm not crazy, but my status bar keeps going down
Dear God (GTQ Guy),
Where art thou?
Jade -
I would really love to work in HR at this job, because how are things going to change if it doesn't start at the top?
I have become proficient at writing emails.
Although there was one time I was really tired and said "Please hesitate to contact me"
Instead of "Please don't hesitate to contact me" and me and my Supervisor just cackled 😂 -
Also, for anyone who would potentially work Sunrise/Third everyone brings feral goblin energy to the table and it's ⭐perfect⭐
I wonder if posting images from apps would work
It did not 🤔
gtq hates us 😔😔
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