The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
To those before. To those after. To us now. And to those beyond. Seen or unseen. Here but not here.
Welcome to The Midnight Club!
My new official/unofficial thread that I will post in from time to time. -
OMG hey it's been a while! how have you been
I've been good!! Life has been an adventure for sure! What about you? -
lol i can say the same for sure. you don't see a lot of people in the 10+ year club haha
tbh there's not many people active anymore, this is just a quiet little corner of the internet now
I know!
I was thinking about this place, and wanted to swing by! It's definitely changed over the years, that's for sure!
It's hard to believe its been that long sometimes -
well i do hope you can stick around for a little while, it's nice to see a familiar face. but no pressure
I am hoping so too! I missed ya!!!
Work kind of dragged me under there for a little bit, but I think I've finally got it where I have a good schedule! -
ahhhh i know it when it comes to work. you more a day shift or night shift person? i'm like a crack of dawn person LMAO
I just switched to third (11 p.m-7:30 a.m)!
It's not been bad so far, but it's definitely come with some interesting experiences! -
seems tempting considering most places around me pay more for night shift. what kind of interesting experiences?
I should pre-face with I work at a hotel/casino for this 😅
I have so many people approach the front desk with no clothes on, or just their underwear, and asking for keys. We have also dealt with some...odd medical emergencies that have come from the weirdest situations. Most of the time, third shift gets the off-the-wall people. I feel like customers get bolder at night.
that might have to do with the help of adult beverages? haha and idk the mask of anonymity
hey i just realized it's like 4am for me and i think i should probably go to bed have a good night my friend
That's fair 😂
I hope you have a good night, and sleep well!
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