The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
Wuss good it’s nice seeing you pop in here and there
How are you? -
Not muchhh, just been busy with school these days, what about you??
Same here, but with work 😭
I finally switched shifts, so I feel like I have a little but more time for things I enjoy!
How are you liking college? -
Howl's Moving Castle has been my obsession for a couple of months.
Like, the character designs are perfect and it just gives me this utter feel of comfort while also dealing with serious topics. -
Howl’s Moving Castle is so good, it’s one of my favourites. I just moved on from my fixation on it :3
It really is! I am currently torn between it, and Spirited Away!
It’s fun! Well fun as in like being independent and doing things myself lol but the workload is a pain in the ass, just two more semesters after this one tho, can’t believe it’s almost over so soon 😱
Just read your experience in the third shift, very interesting, makes sense tho because of the casino 🎰 🎰
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