The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
Breakdown of my Scores
74% Introverted-You likely prefer fewer, yet deep and meaningful, social interactions and feel drawn to calmer environments.
71% Intuitive-You’re likely very imaginative and open-minded, focusing on hidden meanings and distant possibilities.
74% Feeling-You likely value emotional expression and sensitivity, prioritizing empathy, social harmony, and cooperation.
54% Judging-You’re likely organized, decisive, and thorough, valuing structure and planning over spontaneity
93% Turbulent-You’re likely self-conscious, sensitive to stress, success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve. -
Screaming, because I never understood why I was like this:
However, your idealism can sometimes clash with the realities of the working world. You may struggle with mundane tasks or office politics, preferring to focus on the bigger picture and long-term goals. Finding a balance between your need for meaningful work and the practical aspects of a career is crucial for your professional satisfaction. Look for opportunities that allow you to exercise your creativity and work independently while still contributing to a larger purpose. -
Creative Solutions, Inspiring Through Purpose, Building Team Harmony and Reading Between the Lines (< I don't know about that one.)
Perfectionism, Idealistic, Avoiding Conflict and Sensitive to Criticism (I do agree with these.) -
Next is the Rorschach Test
It said Mildly Disturbed
oof -
From another Personality Quiz Site:
As an INFJ, you are guided by a deeply considered set of personal values.
You are intensely idealistic, and can clearly imagine a happier and more perfect future. You feel an intrinsic drive to do what you can to make the world a better place.
You want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people. You do not tend to share yourself freely but appreciate emotional intimacy with a select, committed few. -
Took a D.I.S.C Personality Test
My DISC type is Support, which means I am helpful and caring towards others in the workplace. I notice what my teammates and colleagues need and look for ways to be of service.
I would post more about the result, but they want me to pay for the rest, and a home-slice is broke until pay-day -
Emotional Intelligence Quiz
Congratulations! Your EQ level is excellent! If you scored in this range, there is a slight caveat however. You are either extremely high in emotional intelligence or extremely low. How is this possible? These results may reflect your high level of self-knowledge or a lack of it since you must be self-aware to assess yourself accurately. For this reason, self-awareness is the foundational competency of emotional intelligence.
Specifically the end part had me in TEARS 😭 -
Oooooo, this next one is strictly based on pictures!!
I take that back. It broke on me in the middle of the test. :(
I have therapy in the morning!
I always gent anxious before my appointments. I don't know why. -
Going to try to at least get 2 more hours of sleep. May not be as active tonight. Just depends on how work goes 🤞🏻
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