The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
I'm thinking it has to do with the coding of the site, along side each update that happens. I have only been able to most 3 successful pictures so far, but all of them have been via desktop
it's so odd.. i could see those images in your test thread on mobile, but when i posted my images on mobile you couldn't see, correct?
I wasn't able to see it until just now
We're you able to see all of the images in the test thread? -
I'll go count how many and which ones i could see
Sounds good!
dog #2, cat #2, your pfp, and opossum are the only ones showing on my end
Same here
All of them were on desktop? the glitches don't seem consistent, if some site url vs image urls don't post and some do, and most mobile don't post but mine did...
i wonder what constitutes the error message it gives us, because sometimes the same situation will give an error and some wont
Tests 1-8 were on a desktop
I don't know. I'm thinking it could be in the coding of GTQ, but if that's the case why is it giving us issues now? -
this all is beyond me š i didn't even know how to do it up until yesterday
but i completely remember years ago when this wasn't an issue at all, users were posting embedded images left and right, so i think you're correct about it being due to recent code changes -
I was thinking the same thing. I was looking at old threads that had multiple images, and some were still there while others just had the 'user image' error
Certain images in old threads aren't there anymore either, especially in one's that they were in before -
yes! i specifically remember posts having images and now they're just gone
This is another thing we are going to have to mention to GTQ Guy
hi gtq guy, your website with about 10 people using it? fix it now š”š”š”š”
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