The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
Beep boop
I am making it. Super tired
Going to run audit in 10 minutes
I will respond to the RP's later this evening when I've had sleep. I'm running off of fumes, and work coffee
I also hope everyone has a good day today
Two weeks
That's it. After six years and nothing has changed, what do I really think two weeks is going to do?
I have always wanted this to work out, but it seems to jump from one drastic thing to another -
I really hope things work out for you.
I hope so too. Regardless, if anything I hope we can at least stay friends.
It's 6:28, and I don't even know if I have a way home.
I am tired. I want to give up and go to sleep.
Gotta keep trekking though -
Probably going to grab me a coffee for caffeine
If worse comes to worst, I can always walk. It will suck because it's a 20-ish minute drive.
Also putting in my two weeks today. I really don't want to lose this job, but everything at home is becoming to much.
I could fall asleep right now
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