The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
I am going to bring my sketchbook tonight, because I really wanna draw
I know it's probably my anxiety talking, but I always feel like the "back-burner" friend
It's hard for me to maintain my friendships irl because I think I'm easily replaceable. -
On a lighter note, I'm going to play the game before I go into work. I have an energy drink, so 🤞🏻
We'll see how pulling a shift on no sleep goes -
*me preparing food*
Sunshine (one of my dogs): 👀 -
I can already feel the sleepiness
We don't have a Housekeeper tonight, so that should keep me on my toes.
Gonna eat dinner, then get ready
On the way to work
Thinking about going into Security after my co-worker comes back from her maternity leave
I wonder how long it's going to take me to go through my work emails
R.I.P -
I need a step counter
I wonder
If it's dead tonight I want to try to sketch some ideas out
Hiccups the moment I stepped into the building 😭
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