The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
I think I'm going to go for the second one
Ignore my notifications
But I'm trying to finish this
Currently a W.I.P
wow that looks really nice!!
Thank you!!!
yooo that looks fire!
Thank you!!
I was thinking about making GTQ user icons if I can get some more practice in!!! -
So I just realized I can make pixel animations with this software!!!!!
I'm gonna made an animation test
Currently on the 21st frame
How does one turn a 31 frame picture, into a video
I downloaded it, but now it's just a really long picture -
It's so blurry because its 32 x 32
I'm still going to see if I can post it -
🤞🏻 -
I wonder if I made the graveyard an animation, would it be bigger
Like, would it be blurry
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