The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
I think it happened my Juinor year of high school
I am also foggy in who participated
I think it was me, WolfLove, Dark and d_h
I feel like their were other people, but I don't remember 😅 -
I also don't remember what we talked about 😂
I just found the thread and was like, Oh yeah, that happened -
I was going strong there for a second, and the I found a thread of mine titled "Draw Me Like One of Your French"
And the comment inside said "Poodles" -
pfft- that's great lol
Younger me was a character 😂
xDDD so reall
i was so cringey on here back in the day lmaoo -
I am reading my old posts and looking at it like this: 🤨
Also, why on earth did I end every sentence like this: ~!" -
XDDDD that's craaaazy-
Be back the was some wild work
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