Cozy In Bed
Thread Topic: Cozy In Bed
And it better not be some creepy old ass man. 😒
I'm so tired.
Men who like me are immature. Why? Why can't we just not be creeps, bro?
For a second, I thought there was a spooder on my table.
Bow what should I do?
Tired of typos
They make me angry. -
Guess i should go home so I can finish rotting.
I kind of don't want to go yet, but I have nothing else to do.
Yeah. Guess it's time to go.
Who just changed the music?
I feel sad, but okay.
I'm so tired from work that I keep hearing the phone ring in my head.
What should I do when I get home?
Why do I relate to this song?
I still can't believe Game Stop is gone.
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