Cozy In Bed
Thread Topic: Cozy In Bed
Did they just turn on the AC?
Why do people only go to that bathroom?
This feels one-sided.
I have no real reason to be on Facebook, honestly. I just am.
But I only post once in a blue moon. My last post was back in November.
Sometimes being an adult feels cool. Other times, it doesn't.
I think i look good today.
This thread has no theme.
Wait. I might want the other one just for the picture.
No I don't lol
I just want a new pfp -
Am I allergic to that soap, cause my hands itch now.
I hope it goes away. I don't like itching.
I must up your mental, now don't make me do it physically.
Can't believe you ruined the quote. -
Well, if I lose my place, I guess it won't be too bad. Let's mosey.
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