Cozy In Bed
Thread Topic: Cozy In Bed
I ran to stop a shopping cart from crashing into a truck, but the wind got to me. I stopped the cart, but I'm frozen to the bone now.
Every picture of Cloud looks the same because people draw him in the same pose.
I can't upload anything else right now. Sucks.
I'm screaming into a void again.
Out of all the customers, I've been in here the longest.
I should make a manga. Idk what about. But I should make one.
Why do I have 41 tabs open?
At this point, I'm doing nothing. I'm just sitting.
Wow. I've been out for 3 hours. Didn't even notice.
That time is wrong. It hasn't quite been 3 hours yet.
I don't deal with fake friends. I don't keep "friends" I only tolerate.
I just like watching customers come and go.
Wind is strong.
Me sitting here waiting to meet someone who likes me:
*grows old* -
Wouldn't it be cool though if I met my future partner here? I wish someone would ask to sit with me.
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