Nothing man
Thread Topic: Nothing man
The show is good, but the cringe is killing me
Honestly, the part of the show I love the most is that the style and color heavily remind me of my beloved blackout hospital
It's way too cold in my house
I love cold.
I get cold easily. I am bundled up and still freezing
Bill waterson can't you hear me
Bill waterson please don't fear me
Don't treat me like I have rabies
I only want to have your babies -
Oof, you can't see Mary in this pfp
Here we go. That took forever
Remembering how that one still active user defended the person that posted literal gore in the forums and inadvertently victim blamed the kids (AKA me at the time) who saw it because it was supposedly a famous gore gif
dam I missed all the lore
It was super dramatic back in the day. I missed a lot of gtq lore too, like the even worse things the gore poster did
I remember them defending themselves by saying “iTs thE InTerNeT tHey’Re gOnNa sEe tHiS aNyWaY” like bruh you gotta really try to find gore in the internet you don’t just randomly stumble across it lol
Exactly. I remember being terrorized by the memories of the gif and I really wouldn't have seen anything that violent if they didn't go posting that
Either way it's pretty bad to send something like that to a site that was particularly filled with thirteen year olds at that time. Some people even joined before turning 13
Remembering how that one still active user defended the person that posted literal gore in the forums and inadvertently victim blamed the kids (AKA me at the time) who saw it because it was supposedly a famous gore gif
im having war flashbacks /hj
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