Nothing man
Thread Topic: Nothing man
dang, my town has a lot of supply of ghost and red bull, you see a lot less monster in a Mormon county
Oof, it's probably that old sign of the beast conspiracy. My town has a dollar general that gives us a 3 for 6 deal on the monsters.
I think that's a great post for the new year
And I'm baffled why you choose to stay with me
You're completely free yet you refuse to leave
In the face of anger
You say patience before pride
Are you feeling dead inside
I'm so alive
And it's all thanks to you that I survive
Guess I'll say thank you for lending me your life -
I have learned I'm not good at Tetris.
Does this surprise me? No, but now I know -
I frickin love chappel roan, which isn't very surprising because I am a lesbian
Oh jeez, it's 2 am. I need to go to bed
I didn't get my shower today, R I P. 😔
I finally washed my hair and now it's super soft. I love my hair. I've grown it out for years so it's already super long but I want it even longer.
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