Nothing man
Thread Topic: Nothing man
My parents marriage is still on the rocks. In other news my dad won't get his 401k if my mom doesn't calm tf down. She is going to ruin this family financially if she doesn't at least let my dad keep this job until April
I kind of don't like my mom right now.
I keep thinking she's ruining my family. That's a bad thought to have for any of your parents but she's literally trying to leave the family for a guy from the gas station. Who the hell does that
dude I'm sorry that's happening to you that's freaking crazy.
It's wild but my family might get through this. Fingers crossed hoping my family can keep up with the mortgage
I'm feeling less upset today. That's better than usual
However, the city did shut off the water today. This Oklahoma town's worst annual tradition is back
I desperately want a cup of water but water is still off in the city. Maybe I should call the government to complain. Then again why would they ever care about this town?
Oop, girfafae's buying us pizza
The pizza was great despite the fact that one of the pizzas had onions on it.
Tomorrow my mom is going to Walmart to buy sweet tea and shaving razors. Going to Walmart is sort of an ordeal for my family because the nearest Walmart is 10 miles away. Not really walking distance. We have a Spencer's grocery store but it doesn't have shaving razors.
Fun fact, a lot of my RP characters end up super dramatic because I make up drama for them when I feel the RP is dragging its feet.
I really need to make an rp with zver in it. My silly dude needs to be seen. Zver is a shape shifting half monster. Their mother, Omarion is the queen of all monsters and she wants to eat them because when she eats her children she becomes more powerful. Zver is actually pretty weak despite being the child of Omarion, all they can do to save themself is to run and hide. They tends to outwit opponents rather than outright fight them, they are also a very silly individual, they tend to make jokes and go with the flow. They are also known to break into occupied houses to sleep rather than find any actual place to stay
Tuna salad sandwiches today. I like tuna salad. Amy hates it, because cats eat tuna. I have to make her an egg sandwich
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