Nothing man
Thread Topic: Nothing man
So true. Bad fries are enough to remove a restaurant from my mind.
On the subject of bad sides, an Amish themed restaurant in Muskogee (that was just named the Amish restaurant for some reason) gave us chips so bad they literally spoiled the whole meal. The chips were the opposite of anything you'd want in a chip. They were terribly bland and instead of being crispy they were just straight up brittle. It was like chewing on glass. Worst restaurant ever imo
Disappeared for awhile to hang out with my little sister. She gets really upset if I don't hang out with her once her phone turns off. She will genuinely sob and believe that I hate her if I don't do exactly what she wants. It's honestly really exhausting. Is it bad to feel like your sister is draining your life away?
I first thought you were talking about Keyboard but then I remembered that’s your cousin not sister lmao
Also brittle chips wtf ewwww -
Yeah, the chips were genuinely gross. Nobody at the table finished their chips because they were so bad. The restaurant also served our food with cold gravy
Sometimes I wonder if I'm a night owl or an early bird and I just remember that I can set my own schedule. If I set a schedule I will automatically stick to it after awhile but I've gotta be consistent or it won't stick.
It's once again 2 am and I have to sleep. Goodnight gtq
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