Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
here me out that photo feels like more of a mavender thing than a jester thing lol -
Help what how- -
back for like 3 minutes lol
The outfits are definitely Jester but I feel like Mavender would be the couple that actually do that if that makes literally any sense -
Oki lol
I mean fair enough xD -
I could be wrong tho lmfaoo
ThOsE aRe mInOrS lEgOlAs but whatever you say xD
Also I found a picture of jester rjeowndcjenwbs go look at it -
sO wHAt iTs fiNe i mean if you disagree then nvm lmfaoooo
I saw it omg its so cutesy -
PfFt OkAy nah man you’re alg
Frrr they’re so cuteee -
mOdS pLeaSe dOnT hUrT mE- okeee lol
jesters too cute like wtf- -
ThE mOdS dOnT eVeN hAvE oUr sPoTiFyS tHo
Frrr why did we do this to ourselvesluckily they won’t die tho UNLIKE RICHARD -
fAiR LmAo
I can't take itttttwow that was uncalled for no need to drag Richard into this ;-; -
We’Ll bE fInE i ThInK
Me neitherrrrr ahhhhwe’re both gonna be sobbing when Richard dies -
AuUghGhStfu don't remind me -
fR fR
EeEeEeeEeeEeeeEeEEjust sayinggggg -
well stop D:<
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