Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
its not even a button i just like the feel of the foam
ever since i started writing about circuses and got into the goth clown/circus aesthetic i've liked the colour red more its always seemed like a really obnoxious, loud colour before but now its just like 'mmm red'
ew no it's an obnoxious color
red can be a pretty fire color-
sometimes it's a bit much, but it's a nice color, imo u^u -
I have black and red arm warmers and I don't like red but like- those are fire. so I guess it depends.
imo i think red is the best color as of now (i say as of now because it changes every 30 days lol)
I didn't even realize u posted in my threads littlenerd sorry mb
It depends on the shade of red like dark red and muted reds are so yummy but bright red when slapped on a plain background is so obnoxious
Bright red can be pretty sometimes (cough when it’s on a ringmaster’s coat cough) tho
And you’re alg uzi :) -
Ok Alexi I agree with you lmao
Bright red can only be pretty when it's combined with a good color (*cough* ringmasters and christmas colors) -
fr otherwise its loud and gross but if you pair a darker red with gold or white its good -
real, bright reds are kinda- too much in some cases lol
darker and muted reds? *chefs kiss*
same with pastel reds, i love me some pastel reds u^u -
pastel reds are so cutesy
just like a blood red too or even that classic faded red look is so yummy -
reeeal u^u
fr fr
orange is even worse tbh
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