Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Okok so it's seen as a sort of religion but in reality it's just a philosophy/ethical framework for life that typically rejects the idea of supernaturalism and spiritualism and instead says that human beings and science should be our focus and focuses a lot on basic human ethics and responsibilities. But you can be a humanist while having other faiths, like you can be a christian humanist (there's a quote somewhere that says the best humanist is the worst christian and i love it it's so petty) and it's just so diverse because it's not an exclusive thing and in reality, most people are probably humanists because most people have a halfway decent moral compass lol -
damn that’s cool slay we love
But don’t Christian humanists kinda contradict each other tho because you said humanists believe science should be our focus but Christian ppls whole thing is to have faith -
Ikr it's so cool
Exactly, so it's a thing where Christian humanists focus mostly on the charity and ethical responsibilities that humanists believe in rather than the science part, and since it's more of a philosophy rather than a fully fledged religion, they can do that -
ohhhh ok slay cool
But why would you need to be a humanist + a Christian if the only thing you’re going to take away from that philosophy is the charity and ethical stuff when that’s also a part of Christianity is it just personal preference or what- -
Yeah, it's a personal preference for the most part. Like, most atheist humanists would call themselves atheist rather than a humanist, but if asked further about their beliefs they might mention being a humanist. That's partially why humanism is considered such an uncommon belief
this is also all from a sassy teen so don't expect it all to be 100% accurate lol -
ohhh ok so a lot of us might be humanists it’s just not a term that’s thrown around a lot
Fair enough lmao slay tho that’s so cool -
Yes exactly. I was listening to a podcast talking about it and one of the people was a president of one of the groups in it and the other didn't consider himself a humanist until he started researching it and he was like 'oh s--- I might be a humanist"
it's also interesting seeing how sometimes it's considered a religion and sometimes not just considered on how people act about it and how committed they are to it
Yeah it's so interesting lol -
that’s so real lol slay
Damn so like it’s considered a religion to some people but like a philosophy to others? Is it like an official religion in some places or smth -
It's considered an official religion in the US, and I think it is in the UK as well but other than that I'm not sure. Some areas have activities and congregations similar to a church meeting, but for the most part it's just 'be a good human and you're fine', and even the congregations for the most part are just a bunch of smart people spitballing ideas about philosophy and psychology -
oh yeah you talked about that in your thread
That’s so cool lol slay -
Ikr it's so cool -
fr fr slay -
The Australian government in a nutshell: We wish to formally congratulate president trump on his election win. We’re sorry we called you “nuts”, “village idiot”, “traitor to the west”, and said you “scare the s--- out of us” just the other day, but we’ll make it up to you by letting you dump nuclear waste and build more spy bases here
fr tho-
Phhhht that's wilddd
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