Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
At least I know there is a future for my books if I end up finishing them. Like it is possible for me to publish it and for people to actually buy it. I just need to finish it first, preferably before I finish high school. But I’ve got a bunch of years to go before that, so I’ll dedicate this year to planning it
My mum: don’t get tattoos like that *gesturing towards a very cool lady*
Me: *who will definitely get a tattoo like that* ok -
I got a rainbow huggy wuggy thing today and named him Fred
I don’t play poppy playtime or whatever but I immediately fell in love with this toy so he now lives with my other plushies at the top of my bed -
TikTok feels so abnormal without the Americans there
I think that’s okay
bro while I was on my "date" thingo my friends pulled up tiktok and started freaking out bc it wouldn't load anymore, but it was only 10 at night lmao
Oh damn lmao xD that’s so real I’m just watching all my favourite creators’ last videos
help all those videos are so sadddd
Frrrrr like TikTok isn’t even getting shut down for me but ughhh
So now we know the TikTok ban was a stupid political stunt for trump
actually trump still isn't president for another day. he didn't have anything to do with tiktok
he doesn't get initiated till' tomorrow
It’s crazy bc he tried to ban it in 2020 and now he’s acting like a f---ing saint saying he’s gonna “consider taking away the ban”. IK he’s not the one who banned it but let’s not forget
ah no I was wrong trump pushed it out during his first term but Biden signed it
TikTok stated they thank president trump for assurance or whatever
They literally praised trump for saving them and whoopdeedoo the app is working now
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