Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
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Life is a beach and I am eating the sand
help real
I did used to eat sand tho when I was like 6
we all used to lmfao
I hate when people insist that Annabeth from PJO would never ever wear makeup and dresses or whatever because god forbid
In the first books she maybe had that kind of mindset but in HoO I feel like she grew out of it
And she is a teenage girl she is allowed to like makeup and girly things it’s misogynistic to think a tough smart girl can’t like girly things
Also the people who hate on piper. Like she’s a teenage girl c’mon. She’s not going to be naturally as tough and good as fighting as Annabeth, since she found out she was a demigod at 16 and Annabeth had been training most of her life. People wanted Piper to have more powers but what kind of powers is a child of the love god going to have y’know charmspeaking is awesome -
But like the Circe scene in Sea of Monsters. Here she was wearing a dress and makeup and not showing any discomfort/hatred towards it. I feel like the fandom overlooks that a lot like a tough fighter girl can be feminine
And feminine characters don’t have to be tough either. Like piper she isn’t really seen as a tough fighter but she’s allowed to be feminine. It doesn’t mean she’s been dumbed down because of a stereotype about girly girls -
i mean a lot of the pjo fans that say that stuff are still in their tween "I'm not like other girls" phase (i was one of them lol) so i tend to give the frustrating takes on Piper and Annabeth a bit of grace, but tough girls can be feminine too guys it's not being dumbed down and girly, it's being a badass
Honestly fair lmao (same I remember being so pissed at like 10 that Annabeth was wearing makeup) fr it’s like they’re teenage girls what are you expecting.
(bro i still feel bad for how I reacted when the cast list came out for the first time (i wasn't intentionally racist or anything I just REALLY wanted Annabeth to be a natural blonde so I said a lot of s--- I shouldn't have-)) exactly like I'm sorry (not really) but they're gonna be pretty- also Pipers a badass yall are neglecting her wtf
(Help that’s so real- (I don’t think I was ever up to date with it so when I first found out I was like “oh cool” but I get it man)) frrr just let girls like girl stuff- poor piper like honestly every female character does not have to be tough fighter we’ve got Clarisse and Annabeth let Piper have her badass charmspeak
(My friend group was built off of pjo back then so we would have daily updates for each other lol) Exactly a more cunning character is fun and there's so many ways to use it, like I can agree that Piper was underused but that's because of JaSoN and TaRTaruS and all that
(Slay we love) exactly not all of them have to be tough tough yk. She was used a lot in TOA, I haven’t gotten to the last book in it yet but I love how Piper, Hazel and Frank are getting used a lot because I love them
(yeah it was great) Ohhh makes sense I read the first book and never read further so I just know all the fun spoilers about her and jason lol
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