Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Yeah it's dumb (bro whatttttt- I have a gym teacher that's been sued 3 times and is a massive creepo and he still teaches SOMEHOW)
that's so dumb wtf -
Fr fr (it’s so annoying like girl please- omfg what the hell that’s so messed up)
Fr like girly what -
(i bet dude- yeah it's wild (he's also old as f--- I have teachers who had him as a gym teacher lol))
((That’s crazy dude damn))
((yeah he's a freaking weirdo lmao))
((All the PE teachers here are just 30-something-year-old men wtf))
((all the PE teachers here have been teaching at the school since it was founded which was more than 30 years ago))
((That’s crazy))
Goest and f---eth thyself mine depression
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