Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
lmao pride merch is amazing
Fr fr
Friendly reminder to reset your instrument before you go back to school
My school: “we’re like the best school ever! We’re so good and we care about our students :)”
The 68 people who rated it 1-3 stars: “fym b----” -
My school has 2.3 stars and here was one of the reviews
“Teachers and staff do nothing about harassment and bullying reports. Staff and teachers care about jewellery, uniform and phones more than our mental health and well-being, most of the time cannot find school work when absent.”
I find it so funny tho bc when I was switching my entire family was like “go to this school it’s literally so good” -
Always find a way to ask kids who go to that school what it's like- When I was debating which school I wanted to transfer to I ended up asking some of my teachers what school their kids go to and the ones that went to the "better school" have HORROR stories
I feel like that’s just schools in general ngl
My options if I switched wouldn’t be great either, it’s either a private school (which will have even more bigoted kids and be more strict on uniforms) or another s---ty public school where the only thing being different is allowing phones at lunch -
^^ fr fr, every kid I’ve talked to about their private schools have the worst horror stories, and these schools are like top notch admired
Ohhhh fair. The schools in my area are all either "You either love the school or you hate it" or "it's certainly a school, so have fun ig?" -
^^yeah all the "good" schools just have smort teachers and the neighborhoods around it have a s--- ton of money
All the schools here just care way more about uniforms than anything else for some reason, i haven’t been to a school that actually cares about the students lmao
Frrr I went to a big big private school for a band comp and award night and the only thing different was the fancy shmancy uniform and everything just being bigger -
i have a couple teachers that truly care about the students, but they're all in massive trouble with the district for "having favorite students"
phhht that's kinda funny- imagine having a uniform lmaooo -
That’s ridiculous omg. I’ve only had a few too but they’re all subs and music teachers :’)
Shushhh it’s not my fault I’ll get suspended for having the wrong colour shortsssss -
yeah it's dumb- and most teachers have favorite students because of course they do, but the only teachers getting in trouble for it are the ones making sure students don't get harassed, so it's a big pile of stupidity. Music teachers slay omfg but subs here are the worst I have nightmare fuel stories
Bro that's crazy my school barely even has a dress code (we have one but the only teachers who care enough to call kids out on it are the special needs teachers and the theater teacher soooo) -
The entire schooling system just sucks like the moment the teacher isn’t favouring the annoying a--holes (specifically guys) (COUGH YOUNG FEMALE ENGLISH TEACHER (at least in my experience)) it’s apparently bad like what
It’s so annoying because they always notice me not wearing a tie but not the kids harassing me
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