Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Which comfort movie tonight, Howl’s Moving Castle or Hamilton?
Might take a nap and draw jester after dinner while watching Howl’s Moving Castle
I’ll watch Grave of the Fireflies tomorrow
Either that or Boy and the Hero -
“Howl only prays on pReTtY gIrLs”
Screaming crying throwing up -
Get yourself a man like Howl
He’s such a gentleman -
“If that had been Howl he would’ve eaten your heart”
Lettie I’m gonna hold you hand while I say this -
‘Your heads a turnip. I’ve always hated turnips”
Old lady Sophie you savage -
Howl: *reads a message from his ex girlfriend about how he is so heartless that has been scorched onto his table* well that can’t be good for the table
Howl: SOPHIE LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO MY HAIR *whoopdeedoo he’s now a ginger*
Markl, who is also a ginger: ;-; -
Markl I love you
Calcifer just eats her hair ;-;
I f---ing hate the witch of the waste istg
Now I remember why I love Howl’s Moving Castle so much to dedicate my thread to it
Go watch it it’s on Netflix -
I made Jester art while watching it and it’s in a different style but I like it
This movie is so good ughhh
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