Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Fr they dooo
I got my sister an Anya (from spy family) figurine and she was so happy so success
We got my dad a “merry rizzmas sigmas” shirt lmaoo -
I also got a ring it’s like a zigzag and fits on my thumb I love it
Oh my god that's amazing (bro my sister got me a Bond figurine what are the odds-)
Fr fr we love (help slay-)
My sister got me a copy of The Great Gatsby and it’s literally so pretty omg
omg im so jealous i want that booook
Yipee it’s so pretty with like gold down the side of the pages ah
That's so pretty i love that
Fr fr I love it too
I want itttttt
I don’t think there are QBDs where you are so you’re on your own buddy xD
What is that- either there aren't any where I am or I'm just really stupid lmaooo
It’s a bookshop Legolas (the only one that isn’t second hand where I live lmfao)
ohhh yeah we don't have that (tf you mean the only one that isn't second hand do you not have Barnes & Nobles-)
Yeah I thought so lmao (ik what Barnes and noble is but I’ve never seen one irl so I don’t think so)
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