Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Say it with me kids what do we do when we run out of white paint
We cut open the bottle -
uh sure man we cut open the bottle oBvioUsLy
is that what we do with peanut butter when it's empty too, just cut it open?
Yes indeed we cut open the tube, dip out paintbrush in and pray there’s something still in there
Bruh how did I get paint on my knee
op ok-
that's so real dude I took a painting class last year and there was always paint EVERYWHERE -
I get paid everywhere on purpose and idk why🙂↕
I got red paint on my ankle goddamn
FRR like why omfg
Help fr -
I’ve had to resort to crappy white paint that smells weird
oop uh good luck with that
This isn’t working chat mask reveal will be tomorrow :
My sister and I are doing an all nighter for New Year’s Eve tomorrow so I’ll probs be on when it’s actually day for you guys so yipee
Happy New Year’s Eve besties
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