Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
ur very welcome :D
Nothing like playing dress to impress with your little sister while drinking hot chocolate and blasting Christmas songs to get into the Christmas spirit
^ yipee
Help that's so real I love that
Fr fr Michael Buble is so fun to mimic while s---ting on people’s outfits
Help that's amazing
Me and my brother just keep watching Nonsense Christmas and rating the outfits xD -
Help fr we love xD
I’m playing a Spotify Christmas playing and a song called “I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus” and I can safely say my sister is traumatised -
How has she not listened to that song before- it plays on the radio like every other hour here xD
I’ve never heard it either- I’m traumatised too xD
what the f--- how are you so sheltered from christmas music- sAbRiNa CArPenTeR sings it in Nonsense Christmassssss
My parents just bust out the same Christmas CD every year let me have my nostalgia xD yeah well I dOn’T wAtCh nonsense christmassz
ew my family listens to the radio lol- well then you have BAD TASTE IN MUSIC
My dad does but it never plays Christmas music just random songs lmao- I DO NOT TAKE THAT BACK
bro do you not have at least one radio station that plays christmas music- WATCH THE SPECIAL AND MAYBE I WILL
do yall remember coolmathgames.com or am i just old
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