Thread Topic: honey~
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nooo, rip-
i hate when that happens :')) -
i'll stay on here for now
i love aphmau sm <333
fffffuuuuuccckkkkk, dude, i burnt my fingerrrrr
it hurts soooooooooooo bad :'))
I have nerve damage from my friend pouring hot broth on my hand by accident I still feel it
oh god, that sounds so bad :'(((
it is
my finger still really hurts and now there's a bump on it :'))
that's a blister lol do you have any like aloe or dermoplast or sum
I had a blister like that a few weeks ago. This is gonna sound really gross, but it's from second degree burn, and that blister is filled with fluid, so if it pops, I'm warning you ahead of time so you don't be grossed out like I was.
yah they do pop its disgusting lol
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