Thread Topic: honey~
or it'll turn purple and peel, I had a burn do that once.
it's not big or anything, and idk how it even happened bc i was heating up a microwave meal, and when i went to grab it from the microwave, the steam f---ing burnt my finger-
and i've like, gotten kinda hurt by the steam before but never actually got burnt from it, like what the f---??? lmaoo
that's so real though one time I pulled a pan out of the oven and didn't notice it was on my arm
oooh, ouch-
rahh it still really hurts-
Steam burns can hurt
I hope you feel better ❤ -
tyty :'))
there's deffo gonna be a blister for a while- -
bro not me literally watching bootleg arcane on yt-
i'm so bored and i've been dying to watch arcane for ages now, please xD -
powder is my pookie, my bbg, my beloved, my precious <333
i really need an adult netflix acc to watch this on bruhh
Do you have access to a Netflix account?
my parents have a netflix acc that me and my siblings use, but they don't let us have our profiles above 14+, which is just- so fun :')
i wanna watch heartstopper and arcane, but i'd never risk it on their netflix acc
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