Thread Topic: honey~
I thought arcane was tv-14?
my parents have always let me watch stuff that's tv-14, but since I'm turning 14 in like a couple of weeks they cant give me bs like they do cuz they like to tease me lol. -
You're able to watch Arcane and Heartstopper on a TV 14 account
There's also the remove from continue watching feature with netflix, so you can hide the shows you watch from your parents sooo -
that's true- but they won't even let me have a tv 14 acc and i'm not risking trying to change it and stuff bc idk if i have to do like, a password or smth to change it on my profile
guess i'm waiting until i can buy my own netflix acc
i also want my own disney+ acc so bad :')) -
i'm just not gonna risk it, tbh-
maybe in the future :')) -
i need my lizard acc to be fixed, i wanna change the pfp :'))
my tv-14 account doesnt work for arcaane. i js watch on my moms lolol
lol that's real-
powder is my pookie ngl u^u
same with ekko u^u -
bro i really wish i had netflix to watch this on, bruhhh
bro not yt clocking me and asking if i'm still watching-
just like netflix lmfaooo -
jayce and viktor my beloved lol
bro i just know this show's gonna f--- me up xDD
oh no-
oh s---, nvm, i thought smth else was abt to happen-
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