Thread Topic: honey~
ugh i need them to be in the same size- bruhhh -
love their aphmau fanart sm <333 -
no but i imagine kathy and ed's relationship to be a looooot like aphmau and aaron's relationship, ngl- u^u -
bro but like, why do i love this as a ship??? XDD -
i need to get back to watching aphmau again, like seriously sit down and watch it n stuff-
but i just don't always have the time to lmaoo -
RAHHHHH i love laurance <333 -
i love this, too- zane being hced as trans, tho, i'm now obsessed with <333 lesbian nana x zara u^u -
garrancemau for life in mcd, tho, ngl xD
ugh, i need to rewatch all of mcd now, dude, omg-
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