Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
wE aLrEaDy EsTaBLiShEd YoU’d bE iN tHe OvEn oR bAsEmEnT pOoKiE
tHe oVen sOunDs wAy bETTeR LoL
wHaT DiD i eVen dO to eNd uP iN yOuR hOuSe- -
sOmEtHiNg AbOuT MiLkShAkEs
i dOnT waNt a MiLKshaKe aNymOre
tOo BaD
sOmeOnE HeLP mEeE
i WiLl FoRcE fEeD yOu ThE miLkShAkE
Oh gOd PLeaSe nO
They really named one of the most tasty looking rocks I've every seen Cinnibrite
that sounds like some pastry at a restaurant-
also my teacher agrees with me and Miguire that rocks looks so freaking tasty and that they need to open a bakery with just desserts that look like some of the tastiest rocks ever so like✨✨ -
I love my softball team.
We were talking about what My Little Pony characters we'd be for some reason, and three girls called dibs on Pinkiepie and I just went "I want Rainbowdash!" And one of the girls just looked at me and went: "Lucas. I've known you for three years. You were born to be Rainbowdash." and I burst out laughing -
Slay. That’s awesome!
And yes you would 100% be rainbowdash 🤣 -
Lol yeah it is!
I'm very aware lmfao -
Bro some kid roasted my English teacher so bad oml
My teachers such a badass though, she just shrugged and went "Cool." and then continued with the lesson
Like girlie🤣😭✨ -
that sounds great -
and we were talking about ww2 and I was such a nErD because I got to ramble about it for a whiiiile lol
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