Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
slayy, we love u^u
i'm so tired from theatre, and from freaking out over nothing :') -
Saw this so late, oop
Bro my Creative Writing teacher is so cool. This is the email she gave the class (not word for word because it's long, but I didn't add anything to it, I promise, just cut out some bits):
blah blah blah your assignment is due on monday
Please remember to turn it in on time and smash that subscribe button and all that
I love her so much, because there's a lot of teachers that like, pretend they're really young and cool, but she's only like, 22 (maybe 23 now, idk when her birthday is lol) and she has this whiteboard dedicated to the song of the day, and she put me and my friends sitting together, and we always talk about wild ass stuff, and she moved us next to her desk, but not because we're in trouble or anything, just so she can eavesdrop and I don't have to yell across the classroom like "MISS TEACHER, MIGUIRE'S A ROTTEN SACK OF CRAP AND WON'T LET ME EAT THEIR CRYSTALS!" -
I need to stop doing long-ass rants on here
And she went to our school when she was a kid, so we'll complain about our gym teachers or something, and she'll be like "Oh yeah dude, they were crazy when I went here."
Plus if all the old teachers want to flex they just go "Yeah, I taught your English/Creative Writing teacher you morons." -
Omg SuperCarlinBrothers made a YouTube video on why Bluey is the perfect show and why The Sign is the perfect episode
It's a marvel/Harry Potter/ Pixar Theory channel omg they've never covered Bluey this is great -
Someone please make a petition to force Super Carlin Brothers to read/watch Percy Jackson because they would eat it up and I want it to happen
Especially since they've already done Hunger Games and Harry Potter, like, this is right up their alley. Idk how much theorizing they'd get out of it but like PLEASE
Literally all the comments on they're videos are just "PLEASE read PJO I beg of you!!"
PLUS literally every Percy Jackson and Harry Potter podcast acknowledges Super Carlin Brothers and it's amazing -
guys I'm rambling help me-
OMG WAIT I didn't realize this but one of the dogs in Bluey's preschool has two moms lets goooooo
It's so hard to notice, because they're all talking about sad stuff in their life in the finale, and the dog goes "Like when me guinea pig ran away and my mums said he might come back. He didn't..."
I've watched that episode 5 times and didn't notice it until Jay from SCB pointed it out goddamn t -
imsoclueless Seniori noticed it pretty quickly, i think and was like, aww, that's nice :)
but then got sad for him bc of the guinea pig story lmfaoo -
I didn't realize it because I was watching it with my little sister, and we were talking about moving lol. Don't have an explanation for why I didn't find it out the other times though xD
Fr like nooo the guinea pig -
Fun fact: Scientists have done MRI scans and genetic testings and have found out 2 things about the lgbtqia+ community
1. Being gay could be in your DNA (sounds kinds backwards, but if you're gay, there's a 25 percent chance (if the sources I checked are right, which I think they are) that your parents or grandparents are either closeted or bisexual/pansexual
2. Scientists and doctors have done MRI scans (brain scans) on trans women (dunno if they did the same for trans men or non binary peeps, this is just what I found scrolling the internet and fact checked it) and found that a lot of their brains look and act more similarly to a cisgender women's brain than a cisgender man's.
Alexi, this is what happens when I'm bored. Get back online pleaaaaase -
Oo ok that’s pretty cool :0
Boo -
Ikr. The rabbit holes I go through when I'm bored and home alone xDD
XD slay tho
It's so cool like w o a h
Pretty sure my Czech grandparents are straight as a ruler lmfao. But I can’t ask my other ones ;-;
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