Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
I'm just ranting at this point.
DoNt MinD mE gUys jUst BeinG A BOOknErd -
Ok but all I've gotten from the school library this year is Heartstopper (all of the goddamn books, even the novella and Tori's book) and this book, and my librarian already knows my book taste.
Like, she suggested Mark Oshiro. I f---ing love Mark Oshiro how dare she know that before I even brought it up, like ok Miss Mind Reader xD -
Note to self to just look up Lisa Williamsons books because she might just be a good author to keep tabs on forever
Also DAMN she wrote The Art of Being Normal in 2015 and I wasn't aware of this book before now- -
Help my adhd is going haywire
I have 5 different things my brain is currently obsessing over and there are 3 different songs stuck in my head good jesus- -
How to Make Friends by Macdoesit (it's funny I'm not just a lonely sad person I swear-)
I love macdoesit lol
^^ Oo ty i need advice xD
Lmaoooo oh dear
I got another one How to get men to like you (a lot of milkshakes required -
My school computer banned the newer macdoesit videos but he's amazing istg
Lmao slay yes
Lol yeah
“Menz like… sweat”
Help I’m dying 😭🤣 -
It's perfect xD
Does it actually work tho? 🤣
I mean, I'm not sure I'm 100% a reliable source
Like, maybe not sweat
But MILKSHAKES?? Hell yeah
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