Thread Topic: Deddoenjeruentiti
I hope you feel better, soon.
Thank you for the offer.
I love you, too. ๐ค -
I think the problem is I don't want to exist.
I feel too old. It's too long to be here and deal with the same old s---.
It makes me sad when he thinks about his age in that perspective. It hurts to sit here and listen to him say that, even if it may be the case...
Stfu. Everything makes you sad.
You are absolutely right... -
I am such an inconvenience! ๐
There. Did homework. Going to watch YouTube until therapy...Or sit somewhere and...yeah...
Kid Icarus shorts has funny.
I don't know why I thought I was about to play ssbu uninterrupted....
She's back, now... -
I have a headache.
I has sick. ๐
I knew this would happen...
Sigh... -
Do what I can and hope to get by...
f---ing hell.
When you have a timed group assignment and you have that one teammate who pretends to be absent until the end just to send an emotional to congratulate you...
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