Thread Topic: Deddoenjeruentiti
Why am I here?
No one would ever even know if I did.
Heyyallimback is a f---ing troll...
Not surprised...
And if they're not, they need some serious help.
And, btw, I'm as gay as they get. I am also genderless...
And as long as you treat people like that, I hope you stay single for the rest of your life. Nobody deserves to be with someone who acts as s---ty as that. Mow get the f--- out of my thread, you and all your million and a half forms of trolling. 🏳️🌈🖤🏳️🌈
I don't know who wastes their time being so stupid online.
I see somebody missed their nap time. -
I needed a good laugh.
Oh, cool. I always wanted to be Solid Snake! 😎
So, I only got half of my self-care done, today, so I guess I can do the rest of it later on. -
Kinda sleepy, but I'll probably be fine.
Cloud is it, babe. Not sure what "it" is, but he is IT.
I was going to make a joke about my new medicine, but, considering the tension of the subject, I won't.
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