Thread Topic: Deddoenjeruentiti
My stomach says "eat", but my body says "can't move"...
I don't want to be here...
I slept for...roughly...8 hours, but I still feel like s---...
I want a hug.
I want to sleep.
I want breakfast.
I want to fade out of existence.
I want to scream my lungs out.
I want to be gone... -
Forget eating.
I'm going back to bed.
It's the closest thing I have to not existing... -
Getting up because starving...
But, we can starve, right? -
I don't want to be here, today.
Let me fall, let me break
Under everything unsaid
Let me die 'cause I can't take
Living with what's inside my head
If I surrender, surrender
To the monsters in me
If I surrender, surrender
To the monsters in me
Will it set me free? -
I don't want to be here...
Grandma is snoring very loudly. I might be able to go back to my room after I eat and act as if I hadn't come out before...
I would actually love to be able to talk to you, right now...
But, perhaps, right now, there's one thing I'd like more...
He knows what he's doing. I can never out it past him. With just a single phrase, he can make me put aside my thoughts of leaving this life...or at least make me question if I really should...
He really does protect me, sometimes in the most unobvious ways...
He doesn't sit there and argue with me the reasons why other people "need me", even though they only really seem to just need my services.
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