Gentlemint Mansion
Thread Topic: Gentlemint Mansion
Oh I believe it's time to retire for the night, it seems my counterpart has done so.
Goodbye! *smiles*
Bad bye for another 3 months. Or never, that'd be fine too
Greetings, my companions
It has certainly been some time since we we were released. How are you, GentIemint?
Fairly well, yourself?
I have been well! Pray tell me, where is the other account?
Of that I am unsure, but I'm sure it will show up at some point.
I prefer this one, my good counterpart, if I am being honest.
Hey there Ungentlemints
Oooh now I can guess whose posting -
Agreed. For it is not dignified to have an imposter.
Please, Miss Cats, I believe the Dragon made it clear that she did not want you creating hunches over this in our household.
At least I can still insult you :)
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