Gentlemint Mansion
Thread Topic: Gentlemint Mansion
*smiles with a small laugh* you are the most cutest thing ever.
Okay. Dragon-Ungentlemint, I'd punch ya in the face, but I can't take my chances that it might accidentally be Spoce... *punches both of ya in the face* OKAY PROBLEM SOLVED
Where the bathroom?
You are so cute. *smiles*
Oh! Down the corner, to the left.
Oh my apologies, Mister Brycen, just down the hallway there to your left.
I only bite fiends. Ami seems nice *hugs Ami*
Aw... You are cute. *hugs Cats*
Okay, everyone. For size comparison, I am the size of a small kitten))
*climbs up onto Ami's shoulder* Okay, safe here -
It appears the Ungentlemints have disappeared.
Who is hungry? I've made some freshly baked cookies
They must have.
*Goes into bathroom and comes back out with all the mints in mouth* *Muffled* Hey I'm back from the bathroom
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