Gentlemint Mansion
Thread Topic: Gentlemint Mansion
It would. *smiles*
Oh yes, I agree, GentIemint.
#8 answered my question therefore #8 is Dragon >:D -
I am, but you are not our feline. Another cat holds that status
Believe whatever you wish, our feline friend.
Uh huh
I'm Spice's pet, as you seem to be forgetting -
You see, she has another.
Where is zee bathroom for Ghost?
It would not be tragic if I fell into a pot? Is that what you're implying? -
*smiles* yes.
Well, you would make an exotic soup.
Oh no, it would be. But also the feline that is held in rather high regard came to mind first.
*freezes in slight fear* *hoping they don't notice* You aren't going to eat me are you? Just because you haven't eating in months means I have to be eaten does it?
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