GentIemint's Profile
Joined on Dec 9, 2020
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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""If we knew how we got here we wouldn't all be confused," Adriana said. "We could ask you the exact same thing. Anyway, the last thing I rem..."
"I've only read the first chapter of [url=[no urls]]this[/url] story, but I know I've read a story almost exactly like this several months ag..."
"As we are now home, I think I will retire for the night. What do you say, Gentlemint?"
"Indeed, it is adorable"
"I don't believe oxen are native to these parts, and I must admit I am beginning to grow tired."
"But taking another life?"
"Does this classify as going along the road of evil?"
"I don't believe so."
"What exactly are we hiding from?"
"I see no problem. And it would be a beautiful addition to our home."
"Then let us be on our way."
"Is it to your liking?"
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