Gentlemint's Profile


Joined on Dec 8, 2020
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Gentlemint's Quizzes

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Gentlemint's Recent Posts

  • Alt Tracker
  • Rosen Embers
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "Goodnight, GentIemint! I believe I shall also rest from being a mint for the time being."
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "Perhaps you could keep it? As a companion of sorts."
  • The Rose Garden
    "Rps :("
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "I grow weary as well, GentIemint. Let us retire to the manor."
  • The Rose Garden
    "(I refuse! I must keep this a secret, Lady June.) I hope I've poured the correct amount. Is this correct?"
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "But the steak was already deceased once it came to me."
  • The Rose Garden
    "(Indecisiveness has stricken you, I see.) I have done as you instructed. I hope it shall grow to be great and wonderful."
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "So you are requesting that I kill for you, my lady?"
  • The Rose Garden
    "(Goodness, my lady! Pray make up your mind as to which one I am.) I wish not to 'yeet' it, but place it in gently. Would that s"
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "What reason have we to hide?"
  • The Rose Garden
    "*Gentlemint >:( )) I might not be Tat, you know!)) It has been done. What am I to do next?"
  • Welcome to my garden
    "Thank you kindly, m'lady. Your words of gratitude bring me great happiness."
  • Gentlemint Manor
    "Indeed! Oh, and GentIemint, would you be against having a rose garden? I mean to have one if you accept."

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