Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
And my eyes are still in need of some help.
I mean, it's not too bad, but the light is giving me headaches in addition to making my sight blurry. -
I'm not all here.
I don't feel good.
Just needed a good distraction from the pain. -
*le hugs*
*hugs you back*
How are you doing? -
I feel like I'm a breath away from either fainting or throwing up. I'm not sure which.
I'm burning up, here. -
Honestly, when did my periods get so violent?
This isn't usual. -
Well, it'd help if I took my meds, but I hate taking medicine. Besides, I can't swallow pills. I have to crush them up and drink it in my tea, which makes me even hotter.
I wasn't trying to blank post. Why'd you do that?!?!?!
My mom had to go to the oral surgeon yesterday. Things have been weird since. Like, I have to act like I'm at a hospital and wear a mask and gloves around her, now.
Wow. I feel a bit lonely.
No one's ever here when I come.
But then, when someone comes, I don't have anything to say.
How pathetic of me. -
I guess it's okay, being alone.
I'm never alone when I want to be, and I'm always alone when I don't want to be. -
I guess I'm just bad at being a person.
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