Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
I think I'm starting to collect myself, finally.
My eyes are still messed up, tho.
I love Paige's sloth posts. They're so adorable!
I think I kinda wanna do something, here.
I like the name so much... -
I had to.
My head feels distorted.
The stress is getting to me. -
I forgot about our clothes! -
Ha. Got my sister to do it.
Wouldn't kill her... -
Can somebody give me a hug, plz? -
My head...
The pain...
I'm worried for my mom, and I'm worried about how this will go for myself. The last time she was absent or unable to do things, all of my siblings got sick and I had to take care of them; and when she returned from her trip, I was sick for weeks. -
I don't know.
I just wish I had someone to talk to more often. Then I wouldn't be talking ello's head off all the time.😔 -
I mean, someone at home.
Oh! Thank you.
*hugs back*
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