Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Let's finish this blog post already
Wish I could like or dislike comments on here sometimes
That would honestly be really nice.
Are you disliking my post?
Can we make a petition for gtq guy lol
I'm hungry
Filipino boy is the worst
He walked in to surprise visit me at work and idk how I feel about that
Wait is senior next? Bc if so pls take a quiz or two of mine š I'm literally like right about to level up and it's just sitting there oof
Ya know, leif is kind of a legend xD
I'll read back at my old posts and I finally understand why he trolled me lol. I definitely sounded way too happy. I really wasn't that cringy (bc I also wasn't that young), buy I sounded WAY too happy go lucky. I'd just never had online friends before tho so that's understandable.
But anyway, I would've trolled me too taha. -
Mkay jaz you need to buy a plane ticket either tonight or tomorrow. And tomorrow you need to make your speech slide
Wow this is a time
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