katnisseverdeen1's Profile


Joined on Jan 25, 2020
Status Level: Junior

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katnisseverdeen1's Recent Posts

  • Raindrops on Roses
    "Yeah, I might try to just download it again."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I would but discord is blocked on my school chromebook lol"
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "Ohhh discord. I deleted it cause it took up too much space on my phone but I might want to download it again sometime soon."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "On wednesday night I injured my eye but it doesnt even hurt and there is just like a red spot in my eye now and it isn't going to go away fo..."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I'm sooo booooooooooored"
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "Oh, sorry, didn't see this till now. My channel is called Gracefully Anna"
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I don't think I've ever poured my heart into a song before like I did with that song, and that's also why I feel like it's so good. I mean, ..."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "But it's definitely the best song I've written so far."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I did it on the ukulele, and I really wanna post it on my youtube channel, but I'm grounded from posting on my channel till I get my grades ..."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I wrote an entire song yesterday, and I'm so happy :)"
  • W4nn4 j01n my 74m1ly
    "h0w d0 1 und3r574nd 7h15..."
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "I kinda wanna go to a haunted house this year, I've never been to one"
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "AND if I do go trick or treating idk what I should be"
  • Raindrops on Roses
    "idk if it's "canceled" but like every year my church has a harvest festival thing where there is a trunk or treat and hayrides and games and..."
  • ""

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