The mods have a responsibility to do their jobs.
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 14, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: The mods have a responsibility to do their jobs.
Be it deleting spam (blank posting in someones thread counts as spam!) dealing with people who don't understand the definition of harassment or assisting users if they have questions.
GTQ guy has constantly backed them up. They aren't abusing their powers. You're all just being little f---s because you don't get your way.
The only one who HAS abused his powers is Kish. So, uh, your argument is invalid.
Stop making yourself look stupid. GTQ is still being built! GTQ guy is adding things and changing things to make this site safer and better. If you go to almost any other forum site, I promise you that your behavior would NOT be accepted there. Your account would have been deleted a long time ago and your IP would have been banned. Harassing the mods and being difficult little s---s all because they said that telling someone to kill themselves(yeah that's where this all started, I'm pretty sure) is stupid. You talk about them being immature but you're the one acting like a child.
The mods have a responsibility to do their job, just like they would on any other site. They DO NOT have to explain why they're doing them. -
Thank you so much for saying this.
yeah, lets just make this like facebook or something and destroy why these forums were unique
They've stopped being unique a lot time ago, honestly.
My point still stands. -
And it was good. It is being made into something it should not be.
"Safer and better"
let's censor things!
let's make things for children!
"Adding and changing"
lol the format still looks old
occasional bugs
"another forum site will b& u 2 hell muthaf---a!!!!1"
u nevar heard of 4chan
lel they do raids or crusades
they never get much punishment
also edf2
someone's enraeged -
gtq guy stated numerous times he doesn't want this to be 4chan
look, you're chomping the labia of a moderator
you get benefits
you get your fancy little thread locked
your dwelling along a considered "noble"
I get it
The p---- is good man
But I do not agree with some of the moderators AT ALL. -
I'm not even going to dignify you with a response.
It was good, perhaps. But that's not what it is anymore, and the mods are just doing their jobs.
If you don't like it, leave. -
:( I know that
but wouldn't it be more fun if you know
Okay, you can disagree. You can disagree with laws but shouting in the face of police and demanding that they stop arresting people for robbing banks and murdering other people isn't the way to go about it, kid.
The website is trash because of people like you.
If you want it to be better, then quit complaining and help it be better instead of making it worse. -
Point is, the mods are gonna do their job and you're going to have to suck it up.
If it's no fun, why don't you head over to 4chan, hm? -
Users f---ing around on the internet aren't like those kinds of people.
Good. I'll bring it to crumbles. It deserves to fall into it's geave.
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