- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: X
Now how in the hell did timelimit popup? -
Oh, I will! Don't worry. =) I would have now but it's early morning and I'm too tired, but I guarantee you it's coming!
Chapter Four
Xylia had gone jogging in the park, she put on some trainers and headed in to the early afternoon sky.
The park she was walking to wasn't pretty in the least, there were no flowers, and the grass had died and turned yellow, there were no birds, it was eerily quiet, and there was one old man with shagyy grey hair that stared at her a lot.
But her thoughts were on one person... The boy that she would be staying with for a while: Tad.
Tad, the boy with dark blue eyes, he always seemed angry but in fact wasn't, didn't like to say much, she was drawn to his mysterious ways, at night, he went out for a walk around the neighborhood, she never knew where he went. And she'd often watch him walk out the door around midnight in her bedroom.
In her fantasy, he was always there, close by in her thoughts, never leaving her sight, he was in her dreams, holding her hand, guiding her through a black forest.
As she walked down the pathways and gravel walkways, she thought of him. Of when he brushed the hair from his face and when he rubbed his hands on his cheeks, and looked away as soon as his eyes met hers.
The dead world around her seemed to grow more and more ugly as she progressed, like leaves turning silver and the tree barks going black as if there was a fire and the whole park had burned to ashes and ember.
She entered her own world, a silver light all around her, she floating around a pearl white dress, searching for him... going deeper and deeper in to the darkness, searching for that mysterious boy.
Of course, she didn't actually see him, she wasn't running around in a dress in a forest, she was taking a jog in an ugly old park.
But she imagined he was there, standing by the trees, hidden in the shadows, watching her, waiting until she came to a dead end to grab her neck and kiss her cheek, and startle her for coming out of nowhere.
Alas, she felt that he hated her, he lashed out at her when she asked him a simple question and called her an idiot when she got something wrong, and called her a loser when she did wierd things that she thought fun. He would never be hers.
She didn't know why she loved him, but she did. And she couldn't help it. She was drawn to these kinds of boys and couldn't help but feel her heart ache every time she saw him, like it slowly sunk, the ache of love.
She yearned to touch his cheek softly as he slept soundly, and to put her hand on his shoulder and gently turn him round. As much as she wanted that, she couldn't have it.
She walked on more, slowing down her pace as she thought more and more about him. She began to realize more and more about how much he was far away from her, in a whole other world. A perfect world that made her fall down, made her cry because she couldn't be a part of it. Tad and Xylia, that seemed so impossible, so... unlikely to happen, how would she be able to stand that? She loved him so much and she barely knew anything about him, but she couldn't let him go, she just couldn't...
Then suddenly, she broke down in to tears and sat on a park bench nearby, tears trickling down her cheeks, for a treasure she could not have, he didn't know how much she ached for him, how much she longed to hold him in her arms. And he would never know.
Nobody knew.
Nobody ever knew.
No one would understand her.
Because no one understands. -
Well there's chapter four for you dudes, I won't take so long with the next one, don't worry. =D
woooooowwwww *cries* thaT WAS so beautiful
Thank you Scar. =)
First they tell me they want me to post it, then none of them read it! -
Chapter Five
Xoco was feeling shy the next day. After day-dreaming of Xavier, she felt inclined to talk to him. What would he say? Would she think she was wierd? His opinions mattered to him, she completely adored him and didn't want to blow it. But what could she do, exactly?
He was sitting in the living room, reading some Fantasy book, he looked so peaceful, she had an urge, a wanting to hug him, to lay in his arms, to touch him, but she knew she couldn't withought seeming freaky, she loved him, she didn't like that word, it sounded cheesy, not right, but it was the only word that was close to what she felt, he didn't know how much she adored him.
She knew that he loved to write and read about animals, and he loved poetry, she knew all of this, he was creative and talented and shy, very quiet but willing to help others, it was one of the things that made him... him, really.
Her grandma was in hospital and she was willing to visit her, but Paiva had said no, she was simply too busy, and having six kids in the house to take care of was quite a lot, so Xoco left her alone and didn't pester her about it.
But she wanted to make her granmother a card, to tell her Get Well Soon, to know that she still cared, that she missed her, that she was thinking about her, to let her know that her granddaughters cared... Well at least Xoco cared, Xylia was getting farther and farther away, she was obsessed with Tod and always looked at him, she liked Xavier but soon lost interest in him, which was a relief for Xoco, but she found herself thinking: Which is worse, losing someone you love so much and have a longing to be theirs, or your own sister?
She would've immediatly chosen her sister, but after seeing Xavier, she'd slowly started to change her mind and she knew it, she always would.
She had bought some watercolored paints and a brush or two from before, she grabbed some watercolor card, and sat in their room painting.
She loved to paint and draw, and she knew it. She was very good at it, too. But it seemed wierd sitting there alone, no sound but the brush of paint on the paper, she needed something, the TV, the music, someone talking... Anything.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps, someone walking on the floor, and then the door clicked open.
She expected it to be Paiva asking her something, or Xylia saying something unitelligable or something she didn't care about. Her sister had changed. But it wasn't either of them, it was Xavier.
"Um... Hi," he said shyly, she was surprised to see him because he was usually too shy to talk.
"Hallo," she said quietly with an amazed smile, her heart thumped and ached at the same time, nervous she'd mess up, an ache of love.
"Um, gran has gone out to visit your grandma, she was gunna ask you to go with her but said that your grandma would want to see you a bit later when she's more awake, she said to me to tell you that your gran says she really misses you and loves you,"
"Oh," Xoco felt offended at this, that didn't seem like something her grandmother would say, but she said nothing else besides, "A-Alright, thank you for the message... Xavier,"
"Your welcome," he smiled warmly, and turned his heel to leave, but then looked back on her and spotted the paints and paper.
"Uh... What are you doing?"
"I'm painting a card for my gran,"
"Oh? A get well soon one?"
"Yes, but it's taking me ages,"
"Want me to help? I don't mind. I like painting, but I don't do it often because I'm not that good," and his face went a crimson red.
Xoco laughed shortly, "Oh, it's okay! It's the thought that counts, I just want her to know that I'm still thinking of her and that I miss her,"
"I'd be glad to help," he smiled, walked back in and closed the door.
He grabbed a chair from a corner and sat next to her, they both painted different parts, though there were water marks and some shades of the same color were lighter than others, or they painted out of the lines, but they didn't care.
Xavier rummaged through all the desks and drawers in the house to find an envelope, in the end, he found a pale blue one and gave it to Xoco, she wrote inside these words:
Dear Gran,
I just want to say that,
I miss you ever so deeply,
Life withought you is not the same,
I'm in so much misery,
I love you and I hope,
That you get well soon,
And manage to cope,
I'll see you soon!
Love: Xoco,
And hesitently she put: And Xylia,
She was ABOUT to, but Xylia doesn't care, she doesn't care about gran, she's caught up in Tad's world of darkness and gloom. Instead, she put: And Xavier
"I'm sure she'll love it," he said.
"Yeah," she said quietly, thinking about putting her name and Xavier's rather than Xylia, but she played no part and it was Xavier who had helped, so why should she lie?
They went downstairs in to the kitched, side to side, Xoco liked being with Xavier, he was the sweet quiet one and she loved him that way, she didn't want one bit about him to change, they were alone in the house, except for Helen. Who was still sick, Tad was... somewhere, he always dissapeared, and Xylia had gone to the park, she went there every day, even though it was crappy. Dako had gone out with a friend of his.
Then, Paiva came through the door, her cheeks were tearstained and her eyes bloodshot, she looked like she was about to collapse because she was shivering from shock and fear.
Xavier acted more swiftly and more alert than Xoco, he rushed towards his grandma and sat her down at the table, and asked, "What's wrong?"
Xoco remembered her poem in the card: Life withought you is not the same,
I'm in so much misery,
But her grandma would be gone forever, meaning she would always be in misery.
Paiva but a hand on her forehead, and said, "Your gran died, Xoco, in hospital," and she grabbed a tissue to wipe her tear filled eyes. -
LoL, there's Chapter Five. =)
Wow,that was good.
Thank you!
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