AngelofDeath's Profile

Joined on Jun 15, 2010
Status Level: Hot Shot
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AngelofDeath's Quizzes
- How Much Do You Know About My Large-Soap Characters?[published: Apr 29, 2011, 4 comments]
My soap characters have gone through a lot of s---. Death. Romance. Pain.……
AngelofDeath's Recent Posts
"Ted: f--- YEAH! GOLD! THIS IS EASIER THAN I THOUGHT IT'D BE!~ Andrei: When is he going to realize that that is not real gold? "
"Float On - Modest Mouse"
"John: He's not usually like this, but we--- Pogo: We gave him happy pills an' now he's high as a motherf---er. ^-^ John:...Yea"
"'Jack Sparrow': What, ya mean that guy's with you? Ted: *jumps onto the boat* GIVE ME YOUR GOLD!!!"
"Ted: YESSS!!~ *sees a boat* FOLLOW ME, CAPTAIN SPARROW!! *runs over to the boat* PREPARE TO GET RAIDED, a--holeS! YAAAAAH! 'Jack Spar"
"Amy. I know it sounds strange, coming from me, but she's always been my favorite girl. And my favorite guys are a tie between Shadow and Sil..."
"XD THERE IS ONLY ONE ANGELOFDEATH AND THAT IS ME Aww, cutieees!!~ x3 Andrei: Well, uhhh...Would you mind if I "
"Girl 1: Ohhh, my goood...*facepalms* Ted: *sees a guy walking past who looks quite a bit like Jack Sparrow* *quickly stands up* Jack "
"Okay, NOOOOW I see it!"
"Jeff: Ohhh, lord... Girl 1: W--wha--?? Ted: *making wavy movements with his hand* Ya get the ride ya life...THE RIIIIDE OF YA "
"They have? 'Cause everythin' jus' looks bigger than it was before, to me."
"Huh?? W--wait, what about it? *tilts head to the side*"
"Girl 1: Uhmm...*weirded out, reaches for her drink and slowly starts drinking it* Ted:...Have you ever been with a guyyyy...with a BI"
"Well, it looks AMAZING! I mean, holy s---!!"
"Ted: *smirks and goes over, sitting by them* Hey. Andrei: Pffft!!! *covers his mouth to stifle a fit of giggles* Oh, God, what's he "
AngelofDeath's Recent Quiz Comments
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"Yay! I know about Mo! :D"
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"Heheh, good job, Hattie. :)"
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"Red! Fhawk yeah! ;D"
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1 reply1 -
"Heh heh, I only know half. I've only heard a couple of Ozzy/Sabbath songs, so yeah."
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"73% FHAWK YEAH! :D nice quiz!"
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"Yeeeeeeah, Gabriel! He's AWESOME! "
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"Yeeeeah, 80%, b----es! :D I love Annoying Orange!"