Do u know me??(tile to short)

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Ok this is a quiz I made to level up. It is to see how much you know me...;) need more words *&$#@579)(&+ (88& 578&688*(899 7895$4#+()’”9’(&$$68’8(&$**

$8&9#9&)&8@029$’need something to talk about, hey if you are willing to climb something I will be your friend, sound like a deal? &)59399#9&’59482919$94

Created by: ilovemagic
  1. Favorite color?
  2. My favorite animal
  3. Favorite food?
  4. Birth gem
  5. Favorite book
  6. Favorite place
  7. Random question Fav pet
  8. Another oneFav place to reas
  9. Spirit animal
  10. The name I want to be my nickname
  11. Last oneDid this entertain youSo it doesn’t affect your score: answer 2 is correct but you choose

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